Sunday, May 9, 2010

I Need A Gym Pass

I haven't lost any weight yet. It's so depressing so I'm going out tonight and getting a gym pass. I automatically have one when I'm at school because my tuition covers the cost, and the past 5 years I've had one at a gym close to my house because I worked at the pool in the the facility. But now I'm gym pass less. And I miss it. So I probably have to spend every dollar in my bank account for it, but it's worth it even though I'm poor.

Also, I'm starting the cabbage soup diet tomorrow. I got the recipe/diet here:
They claim you can eat as much as you want, and emphasize stuffing yourself, but i'll probably refrain from that. I just don't like the feeling of being full and bloated.

And my new job is so great! It's just typical office job stuff but I really, really like it there. Sorry this is such a quick post but I just want to get my gym pass! I'm leaving asap!

Callie xx