Saturday, February 27, 2010

Long Time, No Post

It seems like everytime I post I'm writing about how I haven't written in awhile. I have this tendency of not posting, and it's not that I'm losing motivation or anything, I just really suck at finding free time to post. I'm doing well. I'm still a cow, but I've lost 12lbs all together now (4lbs in the past week!). And my Birthday is coming up! I'm kind of apprehensive about it because I'm not sure what I'm going to do for my birthday. It's on a tuesday so my choices are pretty limited. I know most of my friends will suggest going out for drinks or dinner or dinner and drinks but that's all just calories and really I just want to go downtown and have fun. Maybe i'll just do drinks or something and make sure I don't eat more than 500 calories before I go out. Ugh I don't know. It's all calories and more calories to me. And I'm turning 20 and I'm kind of wishing I wasn't. I just feel like your 20's is when you're a 'real' adult and have lots of responsibilities and you get married and you have kids... It's overwhelming. I am not ready to be 20. I'm trying to look at it in a good way, like I'm going to be an adult so i need to get my life in gear and start eating well and lose all this fat, but it's hard.

On the bright side my parents bought me a blackberry for my birthday. I don't have it just yet, but I'm going to pick it out this afternoon. I think I'm going to get the blackberry pearl because it's smaller and prettier than the other blackberries I've seen. I'm so happy I'm finally getting one!

Another great thing, I went shopping last night for a new pair of jeans and I'm one size smaller! Woot! So I'm down from a size 12 to a size 10. Still wishing I was a size 2 but I'd rather be a 10 than a 12. Anyway I'm going to get back to the paper Im writing. It's been a terrible week for schoolwork because the olympics are on so I have a ton of stuff to catch up on now.

Good luck everyone!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Short One

I've had another long break form posting, and I apologize but I've been really overwhelmed with work lately. I've had 4/5 midterms so far so I just have one more tomorrow morning and then I'm free from midterms for another 2 or 3 weeks. Then I get to move on to papers and this giant research project. This semester is turning out to be way harder than I expected.

With all this chaos I haven't had anytime to eat or even think about eating. I lost 2.5 inches just in the past week. 1.5 from my hips and 1 inches from my waist. Plus I've lost 5lbs, which is pretty good for the past 10 days. I still have a lot to lose, but at least I'm moving in the right direction.

I haven't been running a lot lately. I've ran twice this week but that's about it. I don't really like running on treadmills as much as running outdoors, and there's a lot of snow here which kind of kills my motivation. Today it's mostly cleared off the sidewalks and roads, but I've got way too much studying to do and I don't really have time for a run. I can't wait for all this snow to disappear so I can get out for my run every morning!

I'm so sorry that this is such a short post, but I'll write more tomorrow and hopefully catch up on everyone's blogs.

Good luck everyone!

Monday, February 1, 2010

New Plan

I've completely worked out a new diet plan and this time I'm going to be super committed. I took measurements, recorded my weight, recorded my BMI and then took a picture of my body now in a bikini. The bikini picture was disgusting and I've hidden it on my computer so that it doesn't pop up with my iphoto pictures. Knowing me I'd probably end up accidentally showing it to someone if I left it on iphoto, so I thought I'd just be safe and hid it in my "resume" folder. Tomorrow I'm officially getting back to eating <1200 calories a day and running every morning. Surprising, my running endurance hasn't decreased at all over my past month of sedentary behaviour. I went for a run this morning fully expecting not to be able to run the whole 6km, but I made it. I'm quite shocked.

I had a midterm this morning that completely ruined my day. I have this one prof who can make even the easiest material into the hardest test possible and his midterm today was so hard. There was this ridiculous question that was worth 15 points that was on information he hadn't even covered in class. It was so unfair and I just feel so shitty about it. I can't stand shitty profs!

Speaking of other shitty things, I haven't heard about the RA position yet. I was supposed to hear about it today, but it's 8pm and there's still no email. I just want to know! Thinking about it makes me so anxious and it's definitely messing with my studying tonight. I keep getting the urge to check my email...

...checking my email
no email.

Okay, I'm not going to check my email until tomorrow morning because I am driving myself crazy over this.
I really need to get back to the assignment I was working on, so this is all for now. But I do want to say thanks to the people who have recently started following me (and the ones that were following me before!). It means so much to me, and it's a huge motivator for me to know that you're reading my blog!

Take care everyone and good luck!